Pipe Handling Equipment

Our pipe handling equipment is in operation on rigs around the world TODAY … ON DAYRATE. Our customers demand robust, capable and cost-effective equipment that reduces downtime and we promise to deliver on those expectations.

MRS-12 Bridgeracker

Our Bridgeracker is one of the most capable Bridgerackers in the market. It’s utilized in alternative OEM packages and offers Owners the ability to Manually Rack or Fully Automate their Racking Operations.

MWR-Well Rite Pipe Stabbing Arm

The MWR is used for stabbing operations without the need for hands-on handling at the Well Center.

MARB-Automated and Non-Automated Fingerboards

We offer both Manual and Fully Automated Rackingboards for both Offshore and Onshore applications. We also work with Owners to increase their Racking and Setback capacities on their rigs.

Offline Stand-Building Arm


LW Casing Stabbing Board

Hydraulic Cathead

Other Custom Products

  • Heavy Duty & Light Weight Casing Stabbing Boards
  • J-Fingers / Hooks
  • Racking / Finger Boards
    • Automated
    • Manual
  • Racking Assist Arm
  • WellRite Stabbing Arm


“Handover of the Derrick is a significant milestone for the Project – one for which I want to personally thank you and your teams for the hard work and perseverance needed to make this happen.”

Field Services Customer

“Before getting into the information below I just want to give a big shoutout to Load Master today. The pull test and string up of the messenger line was well-coordinated, smooth, and quite frankly; Impressive, nice work!”

Field Services Customer